That's quite easy to interact with the shell from within python, it only needs to import the subprocess module.
If the matter is just executing a command, use the call method:
Applications SharedLin Volumes etc mach_kernel sbin var
Developer SharedXP bin home net sw
Library System cores iraf opt tmp
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If some arguments need to be used, you cannot put them in the same string as the command, need to use:
total 40733
drwxrwxr-x+ 134 root admin 4556 28 jui 00:21 Applications
drwxrwxr-x@ 18 root admin 612 18 mar 20:03 Developer
or you'll need to execute the command in a shell:
>>>>'ls -l', shell=True)
If one want to deal with the output, use the Popen and communicate methods :
>>>>ls = subprocess.Popen(["ls"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
>>>>stdout, stderr = ls.communicate()
You can access the distinct values of the stdout by splitting them:
Now, one can need to execute the command with a givenfile as input and redirect the output to another file.
That's possible using the Popen method:
input_file = open('','r')
output_file = open('model.out','wb')
p = subprocess.Popen('cloudy.exe', stdout=output_file, stdin = input_file)
That's it!
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